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Why choose Broadscope?

[one_third first]


[dropcap2]1[/dropcap2]The theme uses an easy to use visual shortcode system to generate beautiful page layouts. Choose how many columns a page should have, if sidebar should be displayed, add theme widgets to your content…[/one_third]


Mega Menus

[dropcap2]2[/dropcap2]The theme extends the simple to use interface of the worpdress 3 menu manager, by adding the possibility to convert your menu items to mega menus.[/one_third]


Avia Framework

[dropcap2]3[/dropcap2]The theme is based on my very own brand new Avia Framework. It is extremly flexible if you are a developer and easy to use if you just want to set up your site in the shortest amount of time. [/one_third] [hr top]

[one_half first][slideshow 7]

[slide title=”This is an easy to use content slider”]

The content slider will automatically adjust its height and width. You can use as much content as you want and use it at almost any location of your page.

[slide title=”The slider is created with shortcodes”]

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[slide title=”Controlled by a visual interface”]

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[widget widget_name=”avia_tweetbox” widget_class_name=”tweetbox” username=”Kriesi” title=”Latest Tweets” count=”3″ exclude_replies=”yes” time=”no” display_image=”yes”]



[widget widget_name=”avia_newsbox” widget_class_name=”newsbox” title=”Recent Posts” count=”4″ excerpt=”show title only”]
